Check Out for thousands of custom glitters and layoutsPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Big Brown Wins the Preakness

I am still sad over the loss of Eight Belles at the Kentucky Derby while I delighted in Big Brown's decisive win. After I watched the Florida Derby in early spring, I knew Big Brown would be a contender for the Triple Crown. His looks remind me of Barbaro. Well he did it again folks at the Preakness. I would love to see him win the Triple Crown. He's an awesome horse.
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Thing 10 was created from

Cartoon Glitters

Cartoon Glitters

I have edited this caption since I decided to keep it on my blog as an early attempt in Thing 10 to post image generators. It was very frustrating until I got the hang of doing this. I have played around with re-sizing image generators, removing them if too big, moving them around my blog. Alas, I sort of like this one because of liking cats and butterflies. So I will leave it here. I am still learning as I go on.

Barbaro on You Tube

This is one of my favorite tributes to the beloved Barbaro, forever in my heart:

Secretariat's Belmont Race

Many horseracing fans hoped that Barbaro would win the Triple Crown and he was often compared to Secretariat, known fondly as Big Red. Secretariat's Belmont record still stands. If you love horses and have time to watch this, it's worth it. I am lucky enough to have witnessed this Triple Crown victory. I was a race fan even back then:

On Chesil Beach

Monday, July 30, 2007

Working with bloglines

I now understand how these site feeds work and am still trying to learn how to manage them from within my blog; I still cannot get the bloglines button to paste in my blog. That is perhaps in another discovery lesson; I subscribed to a feed from TV guide that is maintained by my cousin Matt. He blogs about some of my favorite shows. Not that I have much time for TV viewing--but I do have some favorites. I am done with Thing 8 & Thing 9. I've looked at Feedster and Technorati. These are the feeds I subscribed to:

Friday, July 27, 2007


I have been looking at RSS feeds and created a Bloglines account; I now have to decide if I want to (let's say can) import the ones I added into my blog for public viewing so others know I completed this exercise. I'll need to refine this exercise as I go along plus check on my feeds too.

Thursday, July 26, 2007


It has been a busy week as usual at YPL. I was lucky enough to attend a demonstration of the AquaBrowser Library with some fellow staff members. It is a searching and finding technology that works with the library's OPAC. It's intuitive and helps patrons and staff search the Library's catalog and beyond in a new way. Toledo Public and approximately 300 libraries world wide have this technology. It certainly fits in with the Library 2.0. I sure hope we can add this technology some day. See for yourself. Way cool.

I've completed Thing 7.

Love these horses

originally uploaded by LuvBarbaro.
Here are a few of the horses I love--clockwise--Rags to Riches, Nicanor, Nicanor with his winter coat, and Barbaro with Dr. Richardson. Nicanor is Barbaro's baby brother for those who don't know of him. I used a Flickr tool from Big Huge Labs to create this mosaic as Thing 6.

Monday, July 23, 2007


I've been having fun with Flickr (thing 5) and am ready to move on to the more complicated(???) 6& 7; we'll see; I purchased a copy of Harry Potter; what to do first, read the book, enjoy summer outdoors, or play with this blog?

Barbaro's legacy

originally uploaded by LuvBarbaro.
Fans of Barbaro continue his legacy by trying to save all horses from inhumane treatment, ending horse slaughter in the United States (S311) and contributing to research to find a cure for laminitis.

Barbaro without his bridle

originally uploaded by LuvBarbaro.
This is a beautiful photo of Barbaro showing his keen intelligence

Friday, July 20, 2007

Barbaro at finish line

barbaro at finish line
barbaro at finish line,
originally uploaded by rsg26.
This is how I love to remember Barbaro--flying through the air and winning the Kentucky Derby at 6 1/2 lengths. I have the poster of this famous photograph.


ready for his closeup
ready for his closeup,
originally uploaded by artolog.
Owls are one of my favorite birds and I have been lucky enough to see many during my walks through Poland Woods.

Slow going--approaching Thing 5

A lot has been going on here at the Library to keep me busy. I want to continue on but I can see that I will be doing a lot of editing through trial and error which will take more time than what I've alloted myself or anticipated; need to learn how to adjust the layout of this blog. I've been working on another web project and learned how to use Photobucket; it's very easy. I've used it here. I am now through Step 4. On to Thing 5 and Flickr which, I think, will be similar to Photobucket.

Monday, July 9, 2007

Getting started-- Library Things 1-4

This initial blog post concerns the launching of our journey into the world of Library 2.0. I've read through the guidelines, looked at some of the blogs and watched the online tutorial of 7 1/2 habits. . . What I can relate to is accepting responsibility for my own learning. I've not had any formal computer training and everything I've learned on the computer has been by trial and error. I'll ask for help if I need it but I will try to work it out before I ask. I also view this entire exercise as a challenge. I hope I can have fun and "play"--that will be the hardest because I want to give this project my best effort.

This is definitely fun so far if not a little uncreative at first; look forward to catching on to this and learning how to post photos. When I see how everyone interconnects online, I'm amazed. Obviously, I've created a template and registered my blog.

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